Crooks in Power - Crooks in Business - Fox News Nonsense

From Bankruptcy swindles - Sponsorship Scams - Telecom Frauds. Gas - Land, Construction Crooks and the more than occasional political or other totally off-topic posts.

Location: United States

Produced in America where we don't get it right but at least there are 300 million of U.S.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Federal Finance Department Full of Lead Anyone have a # 2 Pencil?

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The downtown HQ of the Federal Finance Department is spending $3672.00 per week on bottled water. So far the bill comes to: $635,000. The problem: Lead in the water that was discovered in 2002. Yuppers that is what I said 2002. And the real sad thing is Public Works is the group responsible to stop this. When I tried to call and question someone I got sent to every French speaking, no-answer, answer person they have just to hear the answer is: Given the large size of the complex makes determining the cause of LEAD in the WATER a complex task. Then it gets even worse when Public works told me that this was all really discovered by accident. Seems that in May 2002 900 plus liters of anti freeze were found in the water supply. Some Dip Stick workers fixing the heating system could not tell the difference between what pipe was what and in went the killer Anti-Freeze. Note: The people making the repairs were licensed. So much for quality control in that area. If Canada had CNN rather than CBC ( Canadian BS Corp ) news people would have been all over this. Next day after the repairs have been made people see blue water in the bathrooms, blue water in the drinking fountains, hell they even the lastest in Fancy Coffee - Blue Moca Grande Killer Ice Cap's to go. A small town in Ontario had water supply problems a few years back. People died. All Hell broke loose. What about this situation? No worry just flush the lines, test the water and move on. Its Canada. Whoops new tests showed lead in the water as well. Valves are replaced the lead amounts drop a bit but not to Zero. Water is still not safe the cause unknown. Ok so what now? Did I mention the water tests cost $9,000? Yuppers. Why is it that the Government of Canada cannot conduct it's own in-house water testing? And one question leads to another...

Who owns the buildings with the lead problem? Rostrust Investments Inc. under a lease purchase agreement. Sounds like a bad lease purchase deal to me. So why not hire out the job to the largest law firm in Canada then Sue the Hell out of these people. Yes I know people in the U.S. sue all the time. Sort of gets your attention Eh?

And who is making a splash on bottled water sales? Aurora Beverage Corp, Barrie Ontario. Proving bottles of great water. Free to people in the building. Someone please let me know when they water company breaks a million in sales on this deal. All of this going on in twin 22 story towers not some small back office.

Lead with your coffee Sir? I bet Second Cup / Starbucks or whoever sells drinks there have taken steps to avoid getting sued. What a mess. Oh well. That's Canada!

David Dingwall -The Guy Who Ran the Place Where All the Money is Made

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David Dingwall's expense claims at the Royal Canadian Mint have forced him to resign. This guy was off to dinner for two at the price of $800. I can not for one minute even begin to understand why anyone would be concerned. Hell the man only has to crank up the press make some hundreds - problem solved. What is it with these people? They get caught only to respond in angry like it is the fault of everyone but them?

What I want to know is where are the Cops? I mean this is the Royal Canadian Mint we are talking about. Did people forget to call the Cops? Like Duh? Is the Canadian money even there or did someone take it all? Damn Ask David. I'm Serious. He's is in charge of the cash, gold, silver making certain the dough is all there? You know cash, all the stuff that pays the bills. Or is that paul Martin? Whoops that was in another life when Martin was the Blind Finance Minister. Ok I am on track now. Canada pays the guy $277,000 a year plus huge "extra's" then he goes off *NUTS* billing shit to the government. No crime - No time. Same O - Same O.

Facts: The government pays its own people audit the books. I guess that was not good enough. Hey this is the Royal Canadian Mint after all. One would think they have an unlicensed CPA or CMA around right? So what happens now. Simple: The Government hires the EXPENSIVE private firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers for the low rate of $748,000 give or take a few dimes. Hell how much did the guy Scam anyway?

Opposition MPs are already predicting the PricewaterhouseCoopers audit will clear Dingwall of wrongdoing, because the mint rules provide the CEO with a great deal of discretionary power. Gee they are going to want the $748,000 bill paid what would you expect them to find a Crime?

I call this asshole due dilligence. That is my phrase for things like this after you get caught. David just do the right thing - Call the Cops like Svend Robinson did out in BC. Go on some Happy Meds, Cry on TV, and have your friends bail you out. After all your a good guy with a lot of discreationary power.

That's Canada.

Screw Investigations - Use Inquiry Format

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Investigations might lead to jail time. Why bother when you can hold a public inquiry, spend years,and millions. One sounds much more fun than the other. Only in Canada!

Take the case of David Milgaard who spends 23 years in jail for a 1969 rape and murder he never did. After an 8 million dollar inquiry the inquiry people are still carrying on. I eman why the heck not eh? When you have 8 million reasons to get free cash there is no need to speed things up. Heck you might miss something like saying buying more copy paper from your office supply friends. Or plane trips for insight into these matters. Meantime this poor screwed up dude has been hosed Big Time. Not one penny on compensation has been paid to him. But the Government can pay out 8 million bucks to hear its own voice. Call me stupid but what part of this are we all not getting here? Now to make matters worse is the inquiry wants him to go talk. That just takes Big Baxxxls. This would bring back memories of 23 years of Hell on Earth. As if the fact he was let out of jail & Larry Fisher, a serial rape dude is doing life for the crime is not proof enough. Hell its Canada! - Pay the man off and let him buy a new life. If this were some fat Ass politician in Ottawa the cash in the brown bag would have already arrived - tax free.

Spelling & Grammar - Time for New @Words

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If you read this Blog then forget the spelling or grammar. Just forget it. @#^@#^@&#&*@ I am here with a grade 5 education. My 1st computer was an Apple or some such piece of fruit. That was only a year ago. Blogs give me the Power to Address the World. God Save the Bloggers. Newspapers like the Canadian STOVE-N-MAIL no longer count. You can start a Blog then publish your own opinions about the world around you. That is exactly what I am doing starting with Canada. Oh Canada that Banana Republic to the North. Read the Blog for thought, ideas, facts and humor but forget my spelling because I just don't give a Shit.

You will find much fact & no double talk behind my Blog comments on Canada. There are many fantastic Canadians but there are a few thousand of them that are real TURDS. Those are the ones I am going to Zero in on. Please note: One person's vulgarity is another person's poetry. Not original but it does apply to my Blog.

Blog on Baby, Blog On.

Svend Robinson Off His Meds - Ready for Politics Again

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This just gets better. Steal a $50,000 ring, go on happy meds, see a shrink then re-enter politics. That is just what Svend Robinson from BC is going to do. Before I go any further let me explain something to the public about the term CRIMINAL RECORD and what it means or does not mean in Canada.

The term "CRIMINAL RECORD" has NO specific legal meaning in Canada. NONE. You will not even find it defined in statute or regulations. No way , no how. So you can steal a ring worth Big Bucks or Beat the Hell out of another hockey player like Todd Bertuzzi did and the words CRIMINAL RECORD will just not apply. So it just gets better. The words that do apply most in Canadian courts are: "Conditional Discharge" - WOW! We need a system like this. In 1972 the Minister of Health explained that Parliament enacted the Conditional Discharge as means whereby the courts could avoid imposing a criminal record on people charged with possession of POT. As always the Canadian people ignored and or accepted the decision of Government as the real reason for this to be made Law. In fact it was the best way a Government could make certain Laws were made to be Broken. All without the long term side effects most of us would suffer.

Wooooow there Horsey: Back on Track. What About Svend Robinson? Poor Mr Robinson. O me oh my. The guy steals a $50,000 ring over a long weekend, takes it back the next business day and calls the cops. Why would he do this? STRESS. Experts. I mean people with University Doc's. They claim because Svend fell on his ass while hiking on Galiano Island he suffered from Post Traumatic Stress. Holly Shit. Next time I fall on my ass I should go to Canada, steal an entire damn bank. What BS. The guy announces his intent to run for public office again. He is sorry & he has a CONDITIONAL DISCHARGE - He should be judged for his record of hard work. Damn. This is good stuff. I can write a book of Legal excuses. Sell them as "Court Proven" - Guaranteed to work or you do not get your money back! Hey its Canada after all what did you expect?

Funny thing though. CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS are stored in the RCMP database forever. The only way you can show or explain the facts of the conviction in the database is to ATTACH the Notice of Conditional Discharge to the file! I just love it when a plan comes together. The tale of the "ABSOLUTE DISCHARGE" is just as funny. No Record is stored in the database after one year.

Update after an amendment in 1992 a CONDITIONAL DISCHARGE MUST be removed from the database in 3 years or less whatever mood the Court is in that day. Absolute Discharges must be removed in one year or less. You cannot enter the U.S. of A. with a CRIMINAL RECORD. This would screw not only the small guy but more important how the hell would the Canadian Leaders take that travel holiday? I mean some even go drinking in Hawaii.

BC Teachers Whine they Way Back to Work Unions-R-Us

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In British Columbia home of the Union of Canada the teachers went out on a two week Illegal Strike. So what did they get? Hmmm. Their union was fined $500,000 - a New Contract Promise - More cash. Way more than the $500,000. And proof that Illegal Strike Actions work. You have to realize that the Head of the BC Government understands Illegal things. He was nabbed for Driving Drunk in Hawaii - then lied about it! Do a Google Search on Canadian politicians and see how many have CRIMINAL Convictions. With 38,000 teachers in the union that amount was a joke. Did the fine even get paid? Did you ever care to ask? Or are you just another Canadian Sheep who could give a shit until it poops on your doorstep? Who is in charge fines anyway? Well a two week fall holiday just ended today and its all in PAID Fun. Kids suffer, Parents pay extra for child care. Teachers could give a damn. Canada for the One, Not the All.

Homolka NOT Dangerous? I thought she helped kill her Sister?

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This is a case to look in to folks. Amazing is an understatement. Not Dangerous. I love those two words when applied to this chick. Hell Even Nancy Discrace would be hot on this one. So what did she do? Convicted - sentenced to 12 years in prison for manslaughter in the deaths of Ontario schoolgirls Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy. This is another poor misunderstood little girl now hiding out after her release from Jail in the frenchy part of Canada. Not Dangerous. The boy friend is doing life for murder but, hey maybe the folks at can match her up with the perfect person. Who knows. This person should have never seen the light of Day. So where is the best place in Canada to live out a new life with understanding people? It's east. Its French. Hey lets see who sleeps with her and lives to tell about it. They need to do a new Show Called "Survivor Homolka" This version will be different. Karla is the star. She is also the one who has all the weapons. Two tribes try to manage just staying alive as she hunts them daily.

2 years Less 1 Day ! No Shit - No, No Jail.

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What happens when you steal millions from the Canadian People? Well 1st off some no name jerk, probably paid off by the Liberal party steps up to take the fall. Hey steal a million you figure you might at the very min. spend sometime with Billy Bob as your cellmate - right? So I guess the amount is like 1.55 million or so. Hey the Government of Canada pissed away 32 million just on its investigation. Or shall I say hearings in to the matter. Damn I am just a jumping all over the place. Well you would be too. This never ends and Canadians are like sheep. They take and take with the most common of replies; "That is the way politics are conducted" - Who said that ? About 99% of all Canadians I talk to.

The jerk that got away with this very minor amount in the estimate 7+ BILLION total that was stolen is: Paul Coffin. I love that name. Oh he offered to pay back the money. Sure. And before he got to hear his sentence in the matter. Poor guy will have to take out all his retirement funds, a mortage of $300,000 on his house ( Did Ditech lend him the money?) I mean who loans a criminal that steals money, money? Only in Canada. His friends will lend him about $500,000 or so to cover the balance. Some friends. Damn we need to know who the guys banker is. His friends will be Liberals hoping the good ole' boy will keep his mouth shut. And for the crime - what time does he get. Drum roll:::::::

2 Years less a day, must be home by 9p.m. daily, loss of his passport for now and no jail time! He must speak out to business and university members about ethics. The guy that ran TYCO took a big dump when he read this news. ETHICS! For Gods Sake the Guy is a convicted crook and he gets to tell you & I about how we should act.

Only in Canada.