Bush Wants Terrorism Law Update - The Guy Never Quits
President Bush wants Congress to modernize a law that governs how intelligence agencies monitor the communications of suspected terrorists.
* As if the President has not broken enough laws already *
"This law is badly out of date," Bush said Saturday in his weekly radio address.
Bush noted that terrorists now use disposable cell phones and the Internet to communicate, recruit operatives and plan attacks; such tools were not available when FISA passed nearly 30 years ago. He also cited a recently released intelligence estimate that concluded al-Qaida is using its growing strength in the Middle East to plot attacks on U.S. soil.
* Hell drug dealers buy food, use the Internet and purchase cell phones too so does that mean we give Bush what he wants? FISA means nothing to Bush and Bush wants FISA gone. Why? You figure it out. *
"Our intelligence community warns that under the current statute, we are missing a significant amount of foreign intelligence that we should be collecting to protect our country," Bush said.
"Congress needs to act immediately to pass this bill, so that our national security professionals can close intelligence gaps and provide critical warning time for our country."
* More Bush bullshit. Bush keeps on pumping this nonsense. Congress has failed to act on promises to Stop Bush. Bush is out of control. *
Bush wants more power to conduct warrantless domestic and international surveillance on American citizens.
The ACLU said the legislation backed by the administration would give immunity from criminal prosecution and civil liability for the telecommunication companies that participate in the NSA program.
The only thing more outrageous than the administration's call for even more unfettered power is a Congress that would consider giving it to them. No President in history has ever been as evil as Bush.
* As if the President has not broken enough laws already *
"This law is badly out of date," Bush said Saturday in his weekly radio address.
Bush noted that terrorists now use disposable cell phones and the Internet to communicate, recruit operatives and plan attacks; such tools were not available when FISA passed nearly 30 years ago. He also cited a recently released intelligence estimate that concluded al-Qaida is using its growing strength in the Middle East to plot attacks on U.S. soil.
* Hell drug dealers buy food, use the Internet and purchase cell phones too so does that mean we give Bush what he wants? FISA means nothing to Bush and Bush wants FISA gone. Why? You figure it out. *
"Our intelligence community warns that under the current statute, we are missing a significant amount of foreign intelligence that we should be collecting to protect our country," Bush said.
"Congress needs to act immediately to pass this bill, so that our national security professionals can close intelligence gaps and provide critical warning time for our country."
* More Bush bullshit. Bush keeps on pumping this nonsense. Congress has failed to act on promises to Stop Bush. Bush is out of control. *
Bush wants more power to conduct warrantless domestic and international surveillance on American citizens.
The ACLU said the legislation backed by the administration would give immunity from criminal prosecution and civil liability for the telecommunication companies that participate in the NSA program.
The only thing more outrageous than the administration's call for even more unfettered power is a Congress that would consider giving it to them. No President in history has ever been as evil as Bush.
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