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Location: United States

Produced in America where we don't get it right but at least there are 300 million of U.S.

Monday, May 07, 2007

AT&T Screws VoIP Customers

Technorati blog directory

In the past two weeks AT&T has sent out disconnect letters to VOIP customers in big rude red letters, stating that VOIP service will be suspended in 30 days and permanently disconnected in 60 days. They cited E911 service as the reason. (It is peculiar that AT&T is unable overcome an E911 technical hurdle, since SBC/AT&T is also the local landline company in many areas where VOIP cancellation notices are being received.) Many AT&T VOIP customers have found that they are unable to transfer their phone numbers to a new provider. Further, AT&T is unwilling to set up a forwarding message directing callers to a new phone number for those who are unable to transfer their old numbers. In effect, AT&T has told many long-term VOIP subscribers: 'We are turning off your phone in 30 days, goodbye and thanks for using AT&T'"

Now you know they just had to find the extra money to cover the 100+ million $ retirement of their Top Dog! AT&T, a 4 letter word when when you count the & sign.

I wonder why the FCC has no great urge to make E-911 locations an urgent matter with cell phones. After all a cell phone is nothing more than a roaming radio.

Made in America - Another fine mess.