Crooks in Power - Crooks in Business - Fox News Nonsense

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Location: United States

Produced in America where we don't get it right but at least there are 300 million of U.S.

Monday, October 24, 2005

BC Teachers Whine they Way Back to Work Unions-R-Us

Technorati blog directory

In British Columbia home of the Union of Canada the teachers went out on a two week Illegal Strike. So what did they get? Hmmm. Their union was fined $500,000 - a New Contract Promise - More cash. Way more than the $500,000. And proof that Illegal Strike Actions work. You have to realize that the Head of the BC Government understands Illegal things. He was nabbed for Driving Drunk in Hawaii - then lied about it! Do a Google Search on Canadian politicians and see how many have CRIMINAL Convictions. With 38,000 teachers in the union that amount was a joke. Did the fine even get paid? Did you ever care to ask? Or are you just another Canadian Sheep who could give a shit until it poops on your doorstep? Who is in charge fines anyway? Well a two week fall holiday just ended today and its all in PAID Fun. Kids suffer, Parents pay extra for child care. Teachers could give a damn. Canada for the One, Not the All.