Crooks in Power - Crooks in Business - Fox News Nonsense

From Bankruptcy swindles - Sponsorship Scams - Telecom Frauds. Gas - Land, Construction Crooks and the more than occasional political or other totally off-topic posts.

Location: United States

Produced in America where we don't get it right but at least there are 300 million of U.S.

Monday, October 24, 2005

2 years Less 1 Day ! No Shit - No, No Jail.

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What happens when you steal millions from the Canadian People? Well 1st off some no name jerk, probably paid off by the Liberal party steps up to take the fall. Hey steal a million you figure you might at the very min. spend sometime with Billy Bob as your cellmate - right? So I guess the amount is like 1.55 million or so. Hey the Government of Canada pissed away 32 million just on its investigation. Or shall I say hearings in to the matter. Damn I am just a jumping all over the place. Well you would be too. This never ends and Canadians are like sheep. They take and take with the most common of replies; "That is the way politics are conducted" - Who said that ? About 99% of all Canadians I talk to.

The jerk that got away with this very minor amount in the estimate 7+ BILLION total that was stolen is: Paul Coffin. I love that name. Oh he offered to pay back the money. Sure. And before he got to hear his sentence in the matter. Poor guy will have to take out all his retirement funds, a mortage of $300,000 on his house ( Did Ditech lend him the money?) I mean who loans a criminal that steals money, money? Only in Canada. His friends will lend him about $500,000 or so to cover the balance. Some friends. Damn we need to know who the guys banker is. His friends will be Liberals hoping the good ole' boy will keep his mouth shut. And for the crime - what time does he get. Drum roll:::::::

2 Years less a day, must be home by 9p.m. daily, loss of his passport for now and no jail time! He must speak out to business and university members about ethics. The guy that ran TYCO took a big dump when he read this news. ETHICS! For Gods Sake the Guy is a convicted crook and he gets to tell you & I about how we should act.

Only in Canada.