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Monday, September 11, 2006

Vote NDP - The Nothing Done Positive Party

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For those of you who do not know what NDP means this Buds for U.

NDP stands for Nothing Done Positive.

Vote NDP so you can Watch...

1) Kiss your job bye because your boss is moving his business to Alberta

2) Pay taxes, MORE TAXES for the:

a) Overpaid unionized workers smartass workers
b) Welfare bums who abuse the system over n over again
c) Useless government give-a-way programs

3) Watch as the debt skyrocket by 200% in less than 5 years

4) Watch the B.C. economy tank before the 2010 Olympics

5) Watch more NDP encouraged STRIKES

6) Watch your children's future get mortgaged by an NDP government

7) Learn to live life in a (N)egative, (D)estructive, (P)erssimistic environment

8) Get green or the NDP will get mean

Still want to HIRE the NDP? No problem.

.... then go ahead and vote to HIRE Jack Layton and his NDP party.
"This Buds for U - As you get screwed realtime"” - Vote NDP

NDP - Hire me? Jack Your Fired

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Jack Layton is on the march again. The NDP leader is looking more communist everyday. His latest political announcements show what a cut-n-run group the NDP party really is. Layton only knows how to do one thing - Whine. Like a two year old the NDP leader wants the troops ( all 6 of them ) {not really} out of Afghanistan, Israel bitch slapped over the recent war, Hezbollah to be seen as a political party (weapons and all), FREE health care for all, 100% perfect environment, and the return of 8 track tapes. Hell who knows how much more. The bottom line? The NDP wants everything for nothing. Give, give, and give. The NDP and most Canadians forget that one reason they can pop off at the mouth, that Ottawa and the smart ass French can be such jerks, is all because the country enjoys the protection of the worlds largest superpower the U.S. of A. With the oil, gold and diamonds Canada would be the target for a very hostile takeover. If the country had to defend itself - it would fail. What the NDP and most of Canada lacks is Common Sense and National Pride. You cannot just act like a leader - you must be a leader. HIRE ME? Jack is NOT a leader - Jack is a Bad actor. Hmm, wonder if he is part of that Union as well. If the people of Canada were ever stupid enough to HIRE Jack Commie Layton they are not as smart as I first thought.

Jack taking your toys and going home is a completly stupid idea. Right or wrong you support the 600 LB Ape to the South - Kiss the right / left cheek - stay off the soft wood issue its a done deal. What is best for Canada is not a bunch of free loaders in government. Canada just got rid of the Liberal Crooks who for years were stealing the country blind. At a time when the blind are trying to recover Jack wants Canadians to HIRE him? I doubt it, the country has started to open its eyes again. You do kiss the ass of your largest trading partner or you get a bite taken out of your ass.

Duh, free everything - that's the NDP. As The Donald says: Jack Your FIRED.