Crooks in Power - Crooks in Business - Fox News Nonsense

From Bankruptcy swindles - Sponsorship Scams - Telecom Frauds. Gas - Land, Construction Crooks and the more than occasional political or other totally off-topic posts.

Location: United States

Produced in America where we don't get it right but at least there are 300 million of U.S.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Congressman Pleads Guilty - has $165,200 Reason Not to Quit

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Representative Bob Ney, the first member of Congress to confess to crimes in dealings with the lobbyist Jack Abramoff, pleaded guilty to corruption charges Friday but said he would not immediately resign.

This is what its all about - MONEY. This SOB could care less about any of us. He is in office for the cold cash.

Will Bush give the American Voters the Ultimate FU and Pardon them all?

Vote this November as if your life depended on it. With the nuts in power it really does.

Made in America

Bush BS made from Rocky Mountain Spring Water

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In the Bush administration "the negation of truth is so systematic. Dishonest accounting, willful scientific illiteracy, bowdlerized federal fact sheets, payola paid to putative journalists, 'news' networks run by right-wing apparatchiks, think tanks devoted to propaganda rather than thought, the purging of intelligence gatherers and experts throughout the bureaucracy whose findings might refute the party line -- this is the machinery of mendacity...The point here is not the hypocrisy involved, though that is egregious. The point is the downgrading of truth and honesty from principles with universal meaning to partisan weapons to be sheathed or drawn as necessary. No wonder the Bush administration feels no compunction to honor the truth or seek it; it conceives truth as a tactic, valuable only insofar as it is useful against one's enemies.

Bush is full of bullshit up to his eyeballs.

Made in America

Do Not Re-Elect these People

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These are the top 18 worst people expecting you to re-elect them. Consider their actions, think long and hard. Do it like the Donald - Your Fired.

Senator George Allen (VA)
Senator Conrad Burns (MT)
Representative Steve Chabot (OH)
Representative Barbara Cubin (WY)
Senator Mike DeWine (OH)
Representative Mike Ferguson (NJ)
Representative Mike Fitzpatrick (PA)
Representative Scott Garrett (NJ)
Representative J.D. Hayworth (AZ)
Representative John Hostettler (IN)
Representative Randy Kuhl (NY)
Representative Marilyn Musgrave (CO)
Representative Ron Paul (TX)
Senator Rick Santorum (PA)
Representative E. Clay Shaw, Jr. (FL)
Representative Don Sherwood (PA)
Senator Jim Talent (MO)
Representative Curt Weldon (PA)