Canada No Monopoly? Total BS

Prime Minister Stephen Harper took a thinly veiled swipe at Russian President Vladimir Putin last night, as he criticized "self-serving" energy policies. He also declared Canada an "energy superpower" because of its vast oil, gas and uranium reserves.
"We believe in the free exchange of energy products based on competitive market principles, not self-serving monopolistic political strategies," Mr. Harper said in a speech to the Canada-U.K. Chamber of Commerce, the night before he arrives in St. Petersburg.
Where do I start. Canada is 100% for any type of Monopoly. Oil, Gas, Cable TV, and Cell, the list goes on forever. The word Monopoly is printed on every bit of money Canada cranks out. Stevie Harper stands up on his all expenses paid Russian holiday and talks like he banged his head on an drill rig. Harper came off like the Dipstick he really is. Mr. Putin you sould send Harper packing, drill rig and all.
9 Thumbs Down for Dip Shit Remarks.
"We believe in the free exchange of energy products based on competitive market principles, not self-serving monopolistic political strategies," Mr. Harper said in a speech to the Canada-U.K. Chamber of Commerce, the night before he arrives in St. Petersburg.
Where do I start. Canada is 100% for any type of Monopoly. Oil, Gas, Cable TV, and Cell, the list goes on forever. The word Monopoly is printed on every bit of money Canada cranks out. Stevie Harper stands up on his all expenses paid Russian holiday and talks like he banged his head on an drill rig. Harper came off like the Dipstick he really is. Mr. Putin you sould send Harper packing, drill rig and all.
9 Thumbs Down for Dip Shit Remarks.