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Thursday, December 08, 2005

2 Words Keep Liberals In Power

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Sustainable Deception. A recent article in the Snob & Mail points out the majority of Canadians do not care about the Sponsorship scandal. What majority? Hell I will supply an invoice to anyone from Canada (free of charge) for deliverly to Paul Martin. Send your government a bill for the amount they have taken from you, the People of Canada. Offer Ottawa a 10% prompt payment discount if the bill is paid within 10 days plus the offer to drop all interest as well. DUH - Attention Globe and Mail! The majority in Canada wants their money bank in the Country piggy bank! The Liberal Party has ripped off the people of Canada for hundreds of millions of dollars. They did it without every having to buy a gun or a use a mask.

So what about Mr Paul Martin? Paul Martin runs a global shipping business. He uses every law on the books to avoid paying tax. He is an expert on hiding money every legal way he can to avoid paying tax to support his own country. Plus Mr Martin has the staff to do it 7 x 24. I Love Canada says Martin. Mr Martin could take a lesson from Elvis. For the record Elvis was the single largest payor of U.S. Income Tax in the hisotry. Elvis always refused to take jis legal deduction - any deductions. Not a single one. Elvis felt the least he could do was give something back to his country. In Canada why hell bother? Canada where you can steal money, start a commission, profess new accounting controls then just get away with it. Mr Martins take on Canada is; Don't ask me to pay income tax. Do I look like Elvis? Folks Paul Martin does this by choice, not by matter of law. With Global experience hiding money legally how could people be stupid enough to think Paul Martin had no idea of what was going on when millions were going missing? Can we say SUPID in French? I guess it was Paul Martins turn the other cheek policy that kept him from seeing the corruption happening going on right before his eyes. People, anyone stupid enough to think that the Gomery Report did not conclude this is out of their mind. Canadian media like most things in Canada is run by the a few rich and powerful groups who owe much if not all of this power to the Loberal Party.

Yes folks I said two words keep the Liberals in Power; "Sustainable Deception", nothing more, nothing less.

Sustainable Deception - Oh Well that's Canada