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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Jewish People think Young with PassOver Coke

Technorati blog directory

Passover can now go out with a Jewish bang, not so much a review of something new as it is a Public Service Announcement to get you aware of the goodness that the Jewish laws provide for us. Because of their strict rules and dietary needs during Passover those of us who live in and around major concentrations of Jewish folks get to have something special, Passover Coca Cola. What is Passover Coke? Well, it’s Coke as it used it be, coke made with real sugar and not what it’s made with today, high fructose corn syrup.

The first and biggest thing to look for when trying to get yourself some Passover Coca Cola is the yellow cap. For about 2 weeks a year Coca Cola ships these yellow capped bottles to stores, once the shipment is up there’s no more until next year, so get them while you can. Also on the caps are a few Hebrew letters and the U-P, Kosher for Passover, symbol.

The next thing to look at is the ingredients list. All natural. Do you see what’s missing? High fructose corn syrup. Don’t believe me? Go check out a regular bottle of Coke and you’ll see it right on there. This is what makes the difference. Instead of using a chemically processed sugar this stuff uses the real thing, sucrose, the fancy name for table sugar.

In order to test this stuff out I did a side by side comparison. I also included friends who worked for Coca Cola and grew up in a house where only Coke was allowed since their father worked for the company. Side by side the two beverages look exactly the same. Both have the same color and smell the same. The taste, however, is where you can feel the difference. The best way to describe it is that the Passover Coca Cola tastes a lot more real. It doesn’t have the chemical something that the corn syrup one has. It also goes down a lot smoother and cleaner. No after taste. After having a few glasses of the Kosher version I didn’t want to go back to corn syrup. The rest of the people who tasted it said the same thing, that this was the way Coke should taste and how it used to taste before they, Coca Cola got cheap and went with Corn Syrup.

Should you buy this stuff? If you are a Coca Cola fan then the answer is a big yes. Should you stock up on it? Same answer. Call Coke at 800-438-2653 and tell them you must have this product.

8 Thumbs Up. I am not giving it a perfect score because this just reminds me of how things should be, filled with real sugar and happiness, not how they are, with corn syrup and sadness.

Wired n Wooly. That's Cola