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Monday, July 03, 2006

How Stupid is NASA?

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NASA space shuttle managers went into an emergency conference this morning after a crack was found in the insulating foam covering the external fuel tank. The crack, about 5 inches long, was found during an overnight inspection of the tank by launch pad workers. One NASA expert made the statement that this seems to have been caused by the temperature change as the fuel is loaded and unloaded from the external tank. That very same expert went on to say that this is a problem that has not been seen before.

Ok how stupid are these so called NASA experts. Expansion & contraction of the external tank would be expected by anyone with even a basic knowledge of science. Once again billions of dollars have been spent so that a select few can fly where no one has gone before. In my opinion it is high time to end the Space Shuttle program once and for all. For the cash spent on this program and the international space station you could buy one heck of a bunch of robots.

Forget the robots. I want better schools, hot lunch programs and decent health care first. NASA needs a new motto. How about "We are working on It."

Oh well, that's NASA.