FORD SUCKS Here is Why

Ford Motor Company
Ford admitted doing about $50 million in business with
Uh-huh. That's the same excuse Dick Cheney used when, as CEO of Halliburton, he used its British subsidiary, Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR), to do business with
Ford claimed its operations in those countries are legal and not material to investors.
Oh, really? There are plenty of Ford shareholders who would beg to differ. Some of them might actually not want to help terrorists and provide them with transportation and jobs.
The Securities and Exchange Commission, in a letter to Ford dated July 5 but not released until Friday by the agency, said it appeared from Ford's Web site and news media accounts that the company has operations in Sudan and Syria. It also said that Mazda Motor Corp., which is part-owned by Ford, has a presence in
"Your annual report does not include any information about these operations," SEC Division of Corporation Finance Branch Chief David R. Humphrey said in the letter to Ford Chief Financial Officer Don Leclair.
The letter asks the company to describe its past, current and future operations in the countries and whether Ford believes contacts there "constitute a material investment risk for your security holders."
Ford responded in a letter dated July 18 that it has one authorized dealership in
Treasury Department spokeswoman Molly Millerwise said there is no general prohibition on a
The letter noted that several
If trading with our enemies is what they mean by "Built Ford Tough," apparently, Ford isn't built too tough at all.
It doesn't provide Americans any jobs when 90% of a Ford product in
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