FOX News & Family Values Bull

Fox News and its owner Keith Rupert Murdoch carry on 7 x 24 about family values, about the American Way. What a load of crap. All 7 x 24. Upon closer examination Mr Murdoch has been married no less than three times. Wow now that is what I call a family of value.
On Fox News the other night Spin Doctor Billy O' had a guest that was telling people how one of the folks running for office "Should not go to parties thrown by Pornographers" if they were really in support of good values - good character. I though this was a really unique way of talking the Joe Six Pak dude into voting for the Rubber Republicians once again. If the Fox guest was invited to a party at Mr Murdoch's home would she attend? In a New York minute. The problem is she would be going to the home of a person who makes millions of dollars every month by selling PORN on his DIRECTV services. PORN is one of the highest selling items on DIRECTV after Sports. Some Murdoch family values.
FOX News, people like Murdoch, they are all the same - Nothing more than 5 pounds of shit in a 2 pound bag. Murdoch is either a political neo-conservative or simply an opportunist, who will regularly back an expected winner regardless of principles. That is why he loves Bush.
Murdoch tabloid papers commonly provide potentially embarrassing details about the personal lives of individuals. Revelations of this nature, if challenged on an ethical level, are generally defended as being warranted as the individuals concerned were or are "public figures".
BTW: Murdoch was not Made in America - it made business sense to become an American citizen! He is a U.S. citizen for the Green not, the Red-White and Blue.
On Fox News the other night Spin Doctor Billy O' had a guest that was telling people how one of the folks running for office "Should not go to parties thrown by Pornographers" if they were really in support of good values - good character. I though this was a really unique way of talking the Joe Six Pak dude into voting for the Rubber Republicians once again. If the Fox guest was invited to a party at Mr Murdoch's home would she attend? In a New York minute. The problem is she would be going to the home of a person who makes millions of dollars every month by selling PORN on his DIRECTV services. PORN is one of the highest selling items on DIRECTV after Sports. Some Murdoch family values.
FOX News, people like Murdoch, they are all the same - Nothing more than 5 pounds of shit in a 2 pound bag. Murdoch is either a political neo-conservative or simply an opportunist, who will regularly back an expected winner regardless of principles. That is why he loves Bush.
Murdoch tabloid papers commonly provide potentially embarrassing details about the personal lives of individuals. Revelations of this nature, if challenged on an ethical level, are generally defended as being warranted as the individuals concerned were or are "public figures".
BTW: Murdoch was not Made in America - it made business sense to become an American citizen! He is a U.S. citizen for the Green not, the Red-White and Blue.
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