Crooks in Power - Crooks in Business - Fox News Nonsense

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Location: United States

Produced in America where we don't get it right but at least there are 300 million of U.S.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Martin to get Report 16 hrs Before the Rest of Canada

Technorati blog directory

Damn I bet Scooter Libby wished he lived in Canada after last Friday when a U.S. Federal Grand Jury returned an indictment against him. If he were in Canada that would have NEVER happened. Scooter would have had a copy 16 hours in advance. All the Liberal bar flies will have their hired guns out this well along with CBC as their private mouth piece to defend, lie and deflect whatever the report says.

More as this develops.

Anyway - That's Canada for Today - Do not steal the rugs on your way out.