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Location: United States

Produced in America where we don't get it right but at least there are 300 million of U.S.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

CBC's Rabinovitch Requires 100 Mil Injection

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Hell even by UK standards you buy a TV license where the revenue heads in the direction of the BBC. In Canada you just get the head of the CBC to ask the government for a cool 100 million in funding to enrich programming. Amazing. Hell did you know its illegal to watch HBO in Canada? Why? Because no one would watch CBC. The majority of people in Canada given the choice would buy DirecTV telling StarChoice & Expressview to screw off. Just make it legal. Then 100 million dollars would then be able to be used for serious things like education, health, or god forbid a highway that runs from one end of the country to the other that has 4 lanes. Yes, you heard me the people of Canada have a National highway called the TransCanada. It has never been completed.

The CBC is for all Canadians. It says so right in their Charter. Well as I see it the CBC [Canadian Bullshit Corp] is for one thing the - CBC. I say automate the system then export SBC to Mars for 19 million and use the cash where it will do some good. CBC people are like bankers. You see one of them on every street corner. They work short hours, get paid good money only to do little or nothing.

I feel another Audit starting. Oh hell screw that - Go right to the Inquiry.

Oh Well - That's Canada