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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Canadian Weather Station Heads to Mars

Technorati blog directory

From the country that cannot get its own forecasts correct. The country that has that has little to no radar on TV or Cable. A country that has closed down many of its weather offices on claims they are too expensive to operate. Canada is now exporting their 1st weather station to Mars. No worry though the people of Canada are dumb enough to pay the 19 million it will cost. They are also more than willing to invest 19 million into Mars than improve their own National Weather Service or lack of. This is another Liberal screw job. Liberals are so great at forecasting Shit Storms in Ottawa they figure its time to start reporting them on Mars. For this 19 million dollar Sin, every public servant and politician in Ottawa should be sent to Mars on a one way ticket.

Oh Well - That's Canada

* Foot note: The craft will be delayed until its software is available in both English & French.