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Location: United States

Produced in America where we don't get it right but at least there are 300 million of U.S.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Military goes to Kashechewan

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Kashechewan Natives have lived with deadly water problems for year(s). And I mean dirty water. Why all the rush to help them now? Its just about time for the Shit Storm of Sponsorship news to hit plus the Election is getting closer. The problem could have been solved but the PM ignored it like everything else beyond the end of his nose. After 450 or so of the 1900 people who live on reserve have been flown out of the area. Then the government sends a military water purification unit, that according to people in charge could even make radioactive water safe. Soooo why did it take so long to get these people help?

The water is so filled with bacteria that people are breaking out and require serious meds to cure their health issues. But hey the military will clean water from a river then bottle it for drinking. What of the water people will take a bath in or cook with? Of no worries the government says that is ok. Just do not drink the water. Seems to me that Erin Brockovich might want to take this on! I can see it now the solution will be another Cash deal called the 1st Nations bottled water company.

How did this all happen anyway? Canada does have standards for simple things like water safety. Well it seems some educated Jackass built a sewer plant upstream of the water plant. Bet he graduated top in his class at University. At the end of the day all the money Paul Martin will spend fixing this liquid mess will be recovered by his plan to export water to Mars.
Canadian Weather Stations, CBC TV and yes even bottled native water will all be waiting for Americans when they get to Mars.

That's Canada