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Monday, September 25, 2006

Liberal Party Members Buying Votes Again !

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What part of vote buying don't the fucking liberals get? Folks its a crime. The funny part is the Liberals signed up some dead guys at the same time. I guess they are just so used to paying people off it was hard to tell if the voters had a pulse. Dumber than shit, the liberals will walk out some sort of amazing excuse as to how this is not their fault.

Here is a man worth mentioning: Joe Volpe. Joe wants to be the new party head - soooo he goes to a drug company for donations. That by itself is ok with me but not content with taking cash from adults at the company Joe's group accepted more than $27,000 from the kids. yes you read it right - KIDS - The kids of the management at the drug company. Well, sex, booze, cash for votes and not KidGate? Just when you thought they might have learned their lesson the liberal party never lets you down!

The flurry of allegations is turning what has been a relatively tame leadership contest into a slugfest. And their will be a huge embarrassment to the Liberal party, which has been struggling to heal wounds from the last leadership war between Jean Chretien (I'm God, retarded (Correction-RETIRED) and very rich and Paul Offshore Martin and to regain some ethical credibility in the wake of the sponsorship scandal.

Big Crooks on the prowl.... That's Canada