George Bush Embarrassment to the Office

I don't mean that on a political level, or a foreign and domestic policy level, or a financial management level, or an environmental level - though God knows he's been not only an embarrassment, but incompetently and criminally negligent in all those areas.
No, I'm talking about his unwritten responsibility to be the human face of America. Our personal representative to the globe. An individual whose very bearing and behavior telegraphs our official, collective attitude as a nation toward education, intelligence, and plain ol' good manners.
And this man is just a boor.
He's Bluto Blutarsky in a suit - but holding the nuclear "football." From his recent performance in Russia at the G8 Summit (you remember - the pig, the grope, the food-in-the mouth "Yo"), to his ridiculous "surprise" visit at the closing of the White House press corps briefing room yesterday, his public conduct should repeatedly prompt but one incredulous question in all our minds:
"This is the President of the United States?!"
Good grief, Charlie Brown! It's one thing, mind-numbingly stupid as it may be, to elect a politician because he seems like a "regular Joe," someone with whom you'd like to share a beer and a personal anecdote or two. But get real. This guy's style would have disqualified him from the Duke lacrosse team! Given what we've witnessed for five and a half years from the man, would anyone in his right mind even want to be seen with him at the local watering hole?
The job title he holds isn't "Manager at Blockbuster," or "Camp Lackawana Head Counselor" - though, on average, their public conduct puts Dubyah's to shame. No, the last time I looked, his nameplate reads "President of the United States," for Chrissakes. And this overgrown fratboy and his Animal House antics aren't endearing or disarming - they're a downright disgrace to the leadership position Bush so undeservedly enjoys.
And for that alone we should all agree that the man must be removed from office.
Oh, it's obvious who Georgie believes he's emulating. The iconic spiritual leader of the Conservative movement. The "Great Communicator." But, despite my political and ideological opposition to the Reagan years, I've always had to admit one thing about his Presidency. In the greatest role of his acting career, Mr. Reagan knew in his mind and heart how to play the role of "Leader of the Free World" - while brilliantly projecting a casual, folksy image that never slipped into boorish territory. Why, after eight years, even I came to grudgingly respect Ronnie's unwavering ability to look and sound like a real Chief Executive.
And our current Moron in Chief doesn't even hold a candle.
The man or woman who seeks the title of U.S. President should accept in advance that there's more to the job than simple ineptitude, cronyism, corruption, and Constitutional betrayal. There's a basic image to be upheld. There's decorum to be observed and respected. There's an appearance that must be maintained.
And there's a reasonable, unspoken expectation that the American President will at least act presidential in public.
Sadly, George Bush has never had the capability to live up to that oh-so-important demand of his chosen position. I'm tired of cringing every time our President appears on my TV screen. And I do know one thing for certain. If the mismanagement of this Administration doesn't kill us first, two more years of Bush's public buffoonery will surely make us all die of embarrassment.
No, I'm talking about his unwritten responsibility to be the human face of America. Our personal representative to the globe. An individual whose very bearing and behavior telegraphs our official, collective attitude as a nation toward education, intelligence, and plain ol' good manners.
And this man is just a boor.
He's Bluto Blutarsky in a suit - but holding the nuclear "football." From his recent performance in Russia at the G8 Summit (you remember - the pig, the grope, the food-in-the mouth "Yo"), to his ridiculous "surprise" visit at the closing of the White House press corps briefing room yesterday, his public conduct should repeatedly prompt but one incredulous question in all our minds:
"This is the President of the United States?!"
Good grief, Charlie Brown! It's one thing, mind-numbingly stupid as it may be, to elect a politician because he seems like a "regular Joe," someone with whom you'd like to share a beer and a personal anecdote or two. But get real. This guy's style would have disqualified him from the Duke lacrosse team! Given what we've witnessed for five and a half years from the man, would anyone in his right mind even want to be seen with him at the local watering hole?
The job title he holds isn't "Manager at Blockbuster," or "Camp Lackawana Head Counselor" - though, on average, their public conduct puts Dubyah's to shame. No, the last time I looked, his nameplate reads "President of the United States," for Chrissakes. And this overgrown fratboy and his Animal House antics aren't endearing or disarming - they're a downright disgrace to the leadership position Bush so undeservedly enjoys.
And for that alone we should all agree that the man must be removed from office.
Oh, it's obvious who Georgie believes he's emulating. The iconic spiritual leader of the Conservative movement. The "Great Communicator." But, despite my political and ideological opposition to the Reagan years, I've always had to admit one thing about his Presidency. In the greatest role of his acting career, Mr. Reagan knew in his mind and heart how to play the role of "Leader of the Free World" - while brilliantly projecting a casual, folksy image that never slipped into boorish territory. Why, after eight years, even I came to grudgingly respect Ronnie's unwavering ability to look and sound like a real Chief Executive.
And our current Moron in Chief doesn't even hold a candle.
The man or woman who seeks the title of U.S. President should accept in advance that there's more to the job than simple ineptitude, cronyism, corruption, and Constitutional betrayal. There's a basic image to be upheld. There's decorum to be observed and respected. There's an appearance that must be maintained.
And there's a reasonable, unspoken expectation that the American President will at least act presidential in public.
Sadly, George Bush has never had the capability to live up to that oh-so-important demand of his chosen position. I'm tired of cringing every time our President appears on my TV screen. And I do know one thing for certain. If the mismanagement of this Administration doesn't kill us first, two more years of Bush's public buffoonery will surely make us all die of embarrassment.
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