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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Attention Telco's Get a Life

Technorati blog directory

Telco's that provide Internet services to their customers are now trying to charge select companies for large volumes of content that pass over their network to their paying customers! What part of this "greed fest' makes any sense to you? Telco's sell DSL telling customers how much faster it is, how much they can do with Highspeed Internet connections and now they want to charge non-customers for the right to see their paying customers. CONFUSED? Damn so am I. Telco's pay nothing for Internet connections as they get their traffic from what are called peering agreements. Say I have a bunch of customers and you have a bunch of customers...Then it is in our best interest to peer so our customers can communicate with each other. This is done 99% of the time at NO COST to company A or company B. Now companies like Verizon are demanding companies like Google pay them stating that bandwidth intensive content is being passed over their networks and they should be compensated. Ok so you flip to the other side and the Verizon DSL customer has been sold on the fact services like Google, Yahoo and many many smaller just plain super Internet goodies are now going to travel into their computers at highspeed. Why the double standard? GREED. That is it just plain old fashion GREED. The past few years have not been good for Telco's. Cable companies are able to offer better service and are now entering the phone markets as well. Hey call me stupid but can we see where this is going? From the How Do I Get More Profit Department Mr. Telco is at it again. The customer is paying for access to a river of sorts. That river is called the Global Internet. The Telco decided to enter that market. The Telco decided to agree to PEER and accept traffic from other Global Internet providers. The Telco decided to spend millions telling customers BUY OUR HIGHSPEED DSL service so they could access bandwidth intensive content like music, TV, large files and more. Huge marketing plans are in action daily. So what have these customers really bought? Good question. Maybe it is time for a Telco customer to get an Internet savvy lawyer or two and sue the hell out of these companies that are trying to restrain competition, block free trade and maybe just maybe even eliminate services their customers count on to run their daily business.

To the TELCO I say "Folks pull your heads out of your collective asses" or your going to fail at this worse then you have failed at DSL. Stick with your core business and stop trying to profit off the inventions of others. Most of all stop trying to restrain trade. If you fail to hear the phone ring it is going to cost your shareholders a huge pile of cash one day very soon.

PS: The Internet is a place where new ideas come and go by the minute. If this sort of stupid nonsense is allowed to start it will never end. What has become a world without borders, the connected will fast become the disconnected. Mr. Telco the Internet happened while all of you were asleep at the "switch" so wipe that evil smile off your faces. To me Telcos are nothing more than OED's ( One Eyed Droids )

And that's the Net.