Crooks in Power - Crooks in Business - Fox News Nonsense

From Bankruptcy swindles - Sponsorship Scams - Telecom Frauds. Gas - Land, Construction Crooks and the more than occasional political or other totally off-topic posts.

Location: United States

Produced in America where we don't get it right but at least there are 300 million of U.S.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Is Gossip Healthy?

Technorati blog directory

The most satisfying gossip column offers a dollop of drama, conflict and misbehavior, along with a dash of hypocrisy and humor. It views this complicated world through the prism of personality -- and makes things, if temporarily, accessible and comprehensible. It also, and here, arguably, is the socially redeeming part, is the great leveler, demonstrating that the rich and famous have as many foibles as the rest of us. And it shows that we're all in this together as members of a human community, even if it's whispering behind someone's back.

Rags at the check out counter continue to make millions every week.

Made 1st in America